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Connecting the People, Places, Businesses and Culture of the Ozarks for more than 22 years


Since 2001, Show Me The Ozarks Magazine has showcased what makes the four-states such a fantastic place to live, work, play and visit.

We continue to celebrate with you, our loyal readers and advertisers, all that makes our region exceptional. The sights and the sounds. The parks and the trails. The dining. The shopping. The sports and the theatre. The nightlife and the day trips. The rich heritage and the promising future.

Show Me The Ozarks Magazine promises to provide you with the highest possible level of quality, integrity and professionalism possible. If you have a story that you’d like to share with our readers, or if you have comments, questions or suggestions, we would like to hear from you!


From the Publisher

Trading Repeat for Real Change


It looks like Punxsutawney Phil was right on the money this year. He predicted an early spring and I, for one, am grateful. The comedy classic, “Groundhog Day,” is one of my favorite movies. For those who haven’t seen it, a man wakes up with Groundhog Day on repeat. It takes him a few starts to realize that he can actually live the day differently – be a little more kind, do better. 

This April issue is not only a celebration of the warmer days of spring beckoning us to enjoy the many events and activities offered throughout the Four States, but it will also encourage you to go beyond shaking off the winter blues and inspire you toward genuine life change. 

In our Oklahoma section starting on page 32, you’ll meet the small team at the Grove Area Chamber of Commerce, making big strides with area businesses and residents reaping the rewards. You’ll learn about the success of the Grove Rotary Club’s efforts to help families acquire books and establish a love of reading early in life (page 37). You’ll also meet some folks who prove it’s never too late to make changes and build a life you enjoy. Tom and Kathleen Callan never dreamed they’d own and operate an alpaca farm that welcomes visitors from all around the country (page 42). 

Other life-changers on our pages include a fashion icon who upset the industry from her kitchen in Parsons, Kansas, and an artist who discovered a new passion for painting with watercolors during Covid. Daniel Wade shares his story of transformation beginning on page 60. His desire to improve his physical condition, impacted his body, soul, and launched a business. 

Whether you need to get out of a rut or just do a little spring cleaning, we hope you’ll be inspired to take action! For me, it’s about finding the right balance between the strain and hustle, while ultimately trusting the One who rules and reigns over the results. The Great Outdoors article about Annie on page 68 captures it well and may have caused me to tear up a little. 

Carpe diem, friends! (Seize the day) 

Chonda Ralston, Publisher/Editor


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