Nathan Hardy
College Heights Christian School
Interview and photo by Savanah Mandeville
What activities are you involved in at school? What about outside of school?
I’m involved in soccer, cross country, track, math league, National Honor Society and Academic Quiz Team. I was captain of the soccer team my junior year and hope to be captain again this year.
I’m going to serve as the National Honor Society president this year. Through this organization, I serve in the HERO program at school, which mentors the elementary students throughout the school year and raises funds for Rapha House. I served as the vice-president of NHS this past year.
Additionally, I am the production coordinator of the technical booth for lights, sound and video for our school’s weekly chapel services.
Outside of school, I’m part of youth group, I play soccer in the summer and spring, and I often volunteer with the children’s ministry at my church. I recently traveled to Northern Ireland with others from all over the U.S. We volunteered with an organization called RIOT, which stands for Revival in Our Town.
What are awards you have won during your time in high school?
I’ve been on the High Honor Roll each semester (straight A’s), student of the week, athletic and academic letters in each activity I’m involved in. I’ve also won several Math Competition individual awards, several Scholars Bowl team titles and two individual titles in addition to completion of the Leadership in Practice program from the Missouri Chamber Foundation (top sophomores in the state).
What are your plans after high school? Do you have future career plans?
I plan to attend college and pursue a master’s degree in aeronautical/aerospace engineering.
Tell us about a teacher, role model or mentor who has helped guide you.
Mrs. Miller has been my biology, forensics and chemistry teacher and will be my physics and anatomy teacher in my senior year, as well. She is truly one of the smartest people I have ever met and has wisdom beyond so many others. She has allowed me to grow in my faith through knowledge in how the universe works. The best advice she has given me is that the beauty of science is meant to show God’s majesty and that we should show it as well.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I spend my free time doing stuff with friends and family, whether that be playing video games, playing sports or just walking around and talking. I also enjoy giving advice and being there for other people.