CrossFit: The Sport of Fitness
By Savanah Mandeville
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“CrossFit is great because you have a group to work out with and everyone remembers being new. Everyone is super inviting and always willing to help.” – Travis Jarmin
“Fitness isn’t a seasonal trend. Fitness is a lifestyle.”
Are you ready to start your new life? A life of loving the way you look and feel? A life of more energy, improved mental health and increased self-confidence?
Consider joining the CrossFit community at Honey Badger Gym in Joplin.
CrossFit is an intense fitness program that incorporates elements from many different sports and types of exercise in a group class setting. CrossFit workouts are based on functional movements taken from aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing and more. CrossFit involves compound weightlifting or bodybuilding-style exercises, like squats and deadlifts, in a group setting and with the guidance of a fitness professional, so it’s a great place to learn proper form on all the important lifts.
We all know someone who does CrossFit and it’s likely they are super ripped – even just seeing photos of people sweating through a CrossFit workout can be exhausting.
Travis Jarmin, owner of Honey Badger Gym and CrossFit head coach, said starting a CrossFit program does not have to be intimidating.
“Everyone started somewhere,” he said.
“CrossFit is great because you have a group to work out with and everyone remembers being new. Everyone is super inviting and always willing to help.”
Each hour-long CrossFit session is designed around a broad workout plan than can be modified and customized for each individual.
“We can modify any exercise for any age or experience level or even accommodate a client who has had a past injury,” Jarmin said.
The workout routine is the same for everyone – an elderly individual and a professional boxer will do the same workout – it’s the scalability and intensity that will change from person to person.
Jarmin said it’s not about who can lift the most weight or run the fastest, the key to getting fit is about pacing yourself, being consistent and not giving up.
“I’ve found that people who start CrossFit tend to stick with it because every day is a little bit different,” he said. “The variety keeps people coming back because you don’t get bored or burnt out. Plus, the team aspect definitely helps. Everyone pumps you up and wants to see you succeed, so you’re never going through it alone.”
In fact, Jarmin offers newcomers a week free to decide if they want to officially join the CrossFit family.
“Because each day is different, you need a whole week to get the full experience and decide if CrossFit is right for you,” he said. “But I’m confident that after that first week, they’ll want to keep coming back and seeing what their body can do.”