Calendar of Events

What’s Happening in the Ozarks

If you have an event you would like to see listed in the Calendar of Events, please email your request to [email protected]. Events are printed on a space available basis and must be received by the 5th of the month prior to the month of the schedule event.

Northwest Arkansas

Feb. 7: Real Estate – MORE TOUR, 8 p.m., The Momentary, 507 SE E Street, Bentonville. Fresh off their acclaimed 2024 album “Daniel,” indie rock powerhouse Real Estate is bringing their blend of breezy melody, mellow vibes and effortlessly masterful songwriting right to the heart of Bentonville. Opening the night’s performance is indie rock band Grumpy. Ticket options include $30 General Admission, $24 Member, $20 Student and $300 Premium Group Seating. Information:, 479.657.2335.

Carl Junction Community Center: 303 N. Main St., 417.649.7237

Monday, Wednesday & Friday Pickleball, 6-9 p.m. on Tuesday, noon-3 p.m. on Thursday, and 1-4 p.m. on Sunday. Yoga at 6 p.m. on Tuesday.

First Saturday of the month: Carl Junction Lions Breakfast, 8-11 a.m. The CJ Lions Club sponsors a monthly buffet breakfast with proceeds going to various community organizations and projects. Adults and children 11 and up $7; children ages 3-10 $3; children under 3 eat free.

Joplin, MO

Feb. 8: Freeman Health System Auxiliary Fourth Annual Galentine’s Day Sip and Shop, The Roxy, 102. W. First St. This year’s event will benefit the Freeman Health System Wig and Scarf program, which provides wigs and scarves to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments. Purchase tickets at

Shoal Creek Conservation Education Center, 201 W. Riviera Drive.

Your local connection to Missouri’s fish, forests and wildlife. Check out the native plant landscaping, exhibits or hike the trails. Purchase a fishing or hunting permit, attend a nature program or watch for wildlife along the trails and banks of Shoal Creek. Enjoy a variety of free public programs throughout the year. Education center is open Tuesday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Closed Sunday, Monday and most state holidays. Call 417.629.3434, email [email protected]or visit for upcoming events. The parking lot, grounds and trail are open seven days a week from sunrise to sunset 

Feb. 1: Suet & Songbirds, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Registration required. Ages: 5-up. Homemade suet cakes are a fantastic way to get creative while feeding backyard birds in winter. Join us to learn about birds and make this tasty winter treat. Peanut butter will be present during the event. Limited to 10 groups. Please register each member of your group.

Feb. 8: Short-Eared Owl Hike, 4:30-6 p.m. Registration required. Ages 10-up. Winter in Missouri means short-eared owls may be seen flying low over native grasslands in search of mice, rabbits and other small mammals. Join us at Shawnee Trail Conservation Area to discover more about these uncommon winter residents during this easy-rated hike.

Feb. 11: Fly Tying – San Juan Worms, 6:30-8 p.m. Registration required. Ages: Recommended for ages 12-up. Have you ever wanted to learn how to tie flies? Join the Shoal Creek staff and MAKO fly fishers as we start a fly-tying series designed for beginners and experts. Each session will build off the previous session, so attendance for all sessions is encouraged. In Session 2, we will go over equipment and supplies needed as we tie San Juan Worms. All materials provided, but feel free to bring your own vice and tools. Space is limited, so please register to help us know how many we should expect.

Feb. 13-14 & Feb. 26-27: Project Feeder Watch, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration recommended. Ages 16-up. Project Feeder Watch is a winter-long survey of birds anyone can participate in. Stop by anytime to help us count birds at our feeders for our fifth year of collecting data and to find out information about Project Feeder Watch.

Feb. 26: Virtual Program – Owls of Missouri, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Registration required. Ages 5-up. Nesting season comes early for owls and they’re already hooting in anticipation. Join us to learn about common Missouri owls, what makes them effective nighttime hunters and how to identify them by sound.

Feb. 28: Little Acorns – Skunk Scurry, 10:30-11 a.m. Registration required. Recommended for ages 3-7. Skunks are known far and wide for their smelly nature, but there’s much more to these stinky critters than meets the eye … or the nose. Join us for Little Acorns – Skunk Scurry to learn all about skunks and make a not-so-smelly craft to take home.

Local Color Art Gallery & Studio, 1027 S. Main St., Joplin, Missouri. A cooperative of local artists showcasing their art in the gallery and often working in the studio at the historical Gryphon Building in downtown Joplin. We offer art classes to children and adults. Please call Local Color Art Gallery & Studio at 417.553.0835 to inquire further.

Tuesdays: Beginner’s Watercolor Class with Barb Hicklin (ages 8+), 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Bring your own supplies. Cost $20. Thursdays or Fridays: Impasto Oil Painting Class with Tricia Courtney, 2-5 p.m. Learn the techniques and tricks of painting thick with a painting knife. Bring your own supplies (canvas board, oil paint, brushes and palette/painting knives). Cost $20.

Feb. 1: Jewelry Making Class with April Davis Brunner, 1-3 p.m. Includes all supplies. Cost $25.

Feb. 8: Fused Glass Class with Jane McCaulley (ages 8+),2:30-4:30 p.m. Valentine suncatchers. Includes all supplies. Cost $35.

Feb. 14: Watercolor Class with Joan Allen (ages 9+),10 a.m.-noon and 1-3 p.m. Includes all supplies. Cost $30. Feb. 22: Saturday Paint Class with Jesse McCormick & Margie Moss (ages 8+), 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Includes all supplies and an ice cream cone from Caroline’s. No experience necessary. Paint a Monet or Van Gogh or bring a picture of what you would like to paint. Cost $30.

Feb. 22: Saturday Paint Class with Jesse McCormick & Margie Moss (ages 8+), 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Includes all supplies and an ice cream cone from Caroline’s. No experience necessary. Paint a Monet or Van Gogh or bring a picture of what you would like to paint.

Wildcat Glades Friends Group, 201 Riviera Dr., Joplin, Missouri. All programs are free of charge, unless otherwise noted. Registration is requested. To register, email [email protected]or visit our Facebook page for online registration options. Robin Standridge, executive director, [email protected]or 417.291.3156.

Various Dates in February: Ongoing Project:

Wildcat Park Habitat Restoration & MSSU/KCU Student Trail Initiative.Wildcat Glades Nature Group, in partnership with Missouri Southern State University and Kansas City University, continues to have work days to remove invasive species at Wildcat Park. The Restoration Plan is an ongoing project that will be carried out over the next 10 years. Workdays are held nearly every Saturday or Thursday during the year. If you are interested in becoming involved with the restoration effort, you can check out our Facebook page, or reach out to

Feb. 8 & 12: Preschool Connections – A Thing Called Snow, 1-2     p.m. Feb. 8, and 10-11 a.m. Feb. 12 at the Education Cottage. Ages 3-7, accompanied by an adult. Free. Do you remember the first time you saw snow? We’re reviving the magic of that first snow through a story, song and craft. This month’s story is “A Thing Called Snow” by Yuval Zommer, which tells the tale of two spring-born animals experiencing snow for the first time. You must pre-register by visiting or by emailing [email protected]

Feb. 21: Nature Explorers – Rocks Rock, 6-7 p.m., Wildcat Glades Education Cottage. Ages 7-14. Free. From stones and boulders to pebbles and flakes, Missouri has some amazing rocks. This month’s Nature Explorers is all about the stones under our feet and the important roles rocks play in the environment. You must pre-register by visiting our Facebook page, emailing [email protected]or by going to

Diamond, MO George Washington Carver National Monument Visitor Center

Free Programs. Two miles west of Diamond, Missouri, on Highway V, one-quarter mile south on Carver Road. Visitor center and park grounds open daily 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Call 417.325.4151 or visit

*Programs will be presented outside on park grounds.

Feb. 1 & 2: Film – More Than a Month (60 minutes),1 p.m. This Public Broadcasting Service film explores the complexities and contradictions behind Black History Month.

Feb. 8 & 9: African American Trailblazers, 1 p.m. Talk with a ranger to explore the contributions of African American Trailblazers and discover their pioneering achievements.

Feb. 15: Hike & Seek – Birds, 10 a.m. Join a ranger on a birdwatching stroll to learn more about our feathered friends and contribute to the annual Great Backyard Bird Count.

Feb. 15 & 16: Film – Underground Railroad/The William Still Story (60 minutes), 1 p.m. This Public Broadcasting Service film explores the life of William Still, an unheralded hero of the Underground Railroad.

Feb. 20: Coffee with Carver – George Washington Carver’s Agricultural Bulletins, 10 a.m. George Washington Carver created tasty, nutritious food and drink from ingredients that were readily available to farm families. He shared information and recipes through his agricultural bulletins. Join a ranger to learn more and to make Recipe No. 104, peanut coffee.

Feb. 22 & 23: Historic 1872 Neosho Colored School,1 p.m. Learn about the school George Washington Carver attended in 1876, and the struggle for Black education at the time. Pittsburg, KS

Feb. 9: SEK Humane Society 48th Annual Chili Dinner,11 a.m.-3 p.m., Memorial Auditorium, 503 N. Pine. Indoor dining $8 meal includes bowl of chili, crackers, dessert and drink. An outdoor drive-thru lane will be for $15 quarts of chili. Also, at 1 p.m. is Comeau Jewelry’s Bingo Blingo, $10 for 10 rounds. All profits will go toward the animals.

ArtForms Gallery Workshops, 620 N. Broadway. 620.240.0165. ArtForms Gallery is a co-op of artists offering monthly workshops ranging from acrylic painting, watercolor, glass fusing, pottery, metalsmithing, jewelry, textiles, kids’ art and more. Call ArtForms Gallery to register for any artist’s workshop. Refunds/Cancellations: Decisions regarding refunds and cancellations are determined by the artist leading the workshop. For more information, check our Facebook page at ArtFormsGallery620/ or see our website at

Every Tuesday: Art Explorations, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Free. Join Gallery Artist Pat Glick every Tuesday afternoon for a fun time working on your own project or art.

Feb. 1: Needle Felted Heart Brooch, 1-3 p.m. Workshop fee $30, due at time of registration to guarantee your seat. Class limit of 10. Ages 12-up. Artist: Rebecca Lomshek. Learn the basics of needle felting while creating a simple heart pin.

Feb. 2: Pyrography Keychains, 2-4 p.m. Workshop fee $25, due at time of registration to guarantee your seat. Class limit of 6. Ages 12-up. Artist: Ashley Denham. Participants will draw and burn their own design onto a wooden keychain. Watercolor pencils can be used to add a pop of color. We will clear coat at the end before you take your art home.

Feb. 8: Valentine Dreamcatcher,1-3 p.m. Workshop fee $25, due at time of registration to guarantee your seat. Class limit of 14. Ages 6-up. Artist: Sarah Prince. Participants will choose their own color combinations, paint, decorate and create a Valentine dreamcatcher. Sarah will demonstrate an example and all materials are provided.

Feb. 9: Valentine Heart Wreath, 1-3 p.m. Workshop fee $30, due at time of registration to guarantee your seat. Class limit of 8. Ages 14-up. Artist: Brenda Hayes. Join Brenda to make a Valentine heart wreath. We will use recycled materials to make your wreath. You choose the accent colors. Feb. 14: Pyrography Coasters,4-6 p.m. Workshop fee $25, due at time of registration to guarantee your seat. Class limit of 6. Ages 12-up. Artist: Ashley Denham. Participants will draw and burn their own design onto a wooden coaster. Watercolor pencils can be used to add a pop of color. We will clear coat at the end before you take your art home.

Feb. 15: Thrive in 2025 – How Do I Begin?2-3:30 p.m. Workshop fee $20, due at time of registration to guarantee your seat. Class limit of 12. Ages 18-up. Artist: Janet Lewis. Janet will guide you in a fun activity centering on your personal artistic interests, desires and intentions, such as expanding your technical skills or boosting your creativity. Or maybe you could use some guidance in exhibiting or selling your work or setting up a home studio. The “Thrive” program series will focus on establishing and maintaining your own creative practice, and future workshops will be developed based on your input, tapping into the collective knowledge and experience of ArtForms’ 19 member artists as it progresses.

Feb. 16: Tie Dye Party, 1-3 p.m. Workshop fee $45, due at time of registration to guarantee your seat. Class limit of 10. Ages 10-up. Artist: Daria Claiborne. Bring two pre-washed cotton items to tie dye, using a variety of methods. Dyes and instructions provided.

Feb. 22: Nail Polish Marbled Ring Dish,1-3 p.m. Workshop fee $40, due at time of registration to guarantee your seat. Class limit of 14. Ages 10-up. Artist: Sarah Prince. It’s so much fun to marble with nail polish. Sarah will demonstrate an example, and you will make and take home two dishes. All materials provided. Feb. 23: Fabulous Fringe Earrings, 2-4 p.m. Workshop fee $40, due at time of registration to guarantee your seat. Class limit of 8. Ages 16-up. Artist: Kristin Girard. Make some statement earrings to wear when you feel like getting some attention. Long earrings made with seed beads are lightweight and fun to make.

Feb. 27: Pyrography Bookmarks or Keychains,2-4 p.m. Workshop fee $25, due at time of registration to guarantee your seat. Class limit of 6. Ages 12-up. Artist: Ashley Denham. Participants will draw and burn their own design onto a wooden bookmark or keychain. Watercolor pencils can be used to add a pop of color. We will clear coat at the end before you take your art home. 


Cultural Events

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 Feb. 4 & 5: Eddie 9V (9-Volt) House Concert (ages 18+),Feb. 4 at 7 p.m. (doors 6:30 p.m.) and Feb. 5 at 6 p.m. (doors 5:30 p.m.), The Coda Concert House, 2120 E. 24th St. His youthful energy and genuine soul power have made him a fixture in Atlanta and earned him a nomination for his album “Little Black Flies.” For reservations, email [email protected].In response to reservations, a confirmation email with the address, directions, parking, etc., will be sent. All proceeds benefit the artist performing. Suggested donation: $45. Information: [email protected].

Feb. 5: Isidore Quartet, 7 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 509 Pearl Ave. The incredible young talent in this quartet defines the modern era of string quartet, playing through their vision of revisiting, rediscovering and reinvigorating the repertory. Part of Pro Musica’s 2024-2025 series. Information: [email protected],417.625.1822.

Feb. 8: “Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch,” 2 p.m. (doors 1:30 p.m.), Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex, Beshore Performance Hall, 212 W. Seventh St. Mr. Hatch is lonely. One Valentine’s Day, he receives a heart-shaped package with an anonymous note that whispers, “Somebody loves you,” and everything changes. Heartwarming puppet play examines the effect kindness can have on a lonely existence. Tickets:, 417.621.9824 or C2C box office inside Cornell Complex (Tues.-Sat., 1-5 p.m.). Tickets: Adults $16.90, kids $4.42. Information: [email protected],417.621.9824.

Feb. 15: Saint Louis Dance Theatre, 7 p.m. (doors 6:30 p.m.), Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex, Beshore Performance Hall, 212 W. Seventh St. This award-winning organization has commissioned over 95 works and completed over 350 performances as it continues with its 12th season in the Grand Center Arts District. Tickets:, 417.621.9824 or C2C box office inside Cornell Complex (Tues.-Sat., 1-5 p.m.). Tickets: $53.30-$58.50. Information: [email protected],417.621.9824. 

Feb. 22: “Strings Unleashed” with Dallas String Quartet (DSQ), 7 p.m. (doors 6:30 p.m.), Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex, Beshore Performance Hall, 212 W. Seventh St. A fusion of classical and contemporary music on traditional and electric strings, DSQ is an international music sensation. DSQ sold out venues like the House of Blues and symphony halls, and played alongside Ed Sheeran, Luke Combs and Ashley McBryde. Tickets:, 417.621.9824 or C2C box office inside Cornell Complex (Tues.-Sat., 1-5 p.m.). Tickets: $37.70-$42.90. Information:, 417.621.9824.Events:

Feb. 3-7: Missouri Arts Advocacy Week. Assist Missouri Citizens for the Arts (MCA) in amplifying and strengthening the collective voice of Missouri’s arts industry. Help take MCA’s message to legislators and help emphasize how vital a vibrant, creative economy is to Missourians. Information: [email protected],573.222.0278.

Feb. 3, 10, 17 & 24: Missouri Southern State University Choral Society Rehearsal, 7 p.m., MSSU, 3950 E. Newman Rd, Joplin. Hone your gift and enjoy the fellowship of this mixed, community choir. Open to anyone, college age and older. Does not require auditions. Interested singers may attend the first few rehearsals at no charge. Cost: $30 per semester. Information: [email protected],417.208.9654.

Feb. 4: ”The Third Man,” 7 p.m., Missouri Southern State University Cornell Auditorium, 3950 E. Newman Rd, Joplin. Set in post-World War II Allied-occupied Vienna, an American writer arrives in the city and learns the friend he has come to see has died. He stays in Vienna to investigate the death and becomes infatuated with his friend’s girlfriend. Not rated. Information: [email protected], 417.625.3597.

Feb. 11: Art and Anatomy in Italy Professional-in-Residence Lecture Series: Can Art Improve Medical Care?5 p.m., Missouri Southern State University Billingsly Student Center, 3950 E. Newman Rd. Dr. Joel Katz, M.D., senior vice president for Education at Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and associate professor at Harvard Medical School, will discuss the benefits of using visual arts within medical/health science education to patient care at large. Dr. Katz pioneered the use of visual arts as a teaching strategy within medical education at Harvard Medical School, specifically Visual Thinking Strategies. Information: [email protected],417.625.9563.

Feb. 11: “Amélie,” 7 p.m., Missouri Southern State University Cornell Auditorium, 3950 E. Newman Rd., Joplin. Audrey Tautou delights as a spirited waitress determined to help those around her find love and happiness, although her own romantic adventure proves to be challenging. Rated R. Information: [email protected], 417.625.3597.

Feb. 13: Joplin Writers’ Guild,6 p.m., Joplin Public Library, 1901 E. 20th St. Includes a variety of writers from hobbyists to professional, published writers. Members have published novels, nonfiction books and articles. The group supports each other and shares information about the publishing and writing industries. Dues are $10 for the year, but anyone interested can attend their first meeting free. Information: [email protected],417.691.0480.

Feb. 17: Downtown Poetry Reading and Open Mic, 6-8 p.m., Joplin Avenue Coffee Company, 506 S. Joplin Ave. Open mic sign-up begins at 6 p.m. Featured reader, Robert Powell, begins at 6:15 p.m. Open mic readings follow at 7 p.m. Occurs the third Monday each month—same place, same time. Information: [email protected].

Feb. 18: Joplin Area Town and Country Quilters Monthly Meeting,1-3 p.m., Peace Lutheran/Sojourners Christian Church, 3100 N. St. Louis Ave. Quilters of all ages share knowledge of quilt construction, history and preservation of quilts. Any adult can attend two meetings prior to becoming a member; annual dues are $20. Information: [email protected].

Feb. 18: “The Castle,” 7 p.m., Missouri Southern State University Cornell Auditorium, 3950 E. Newman Rd. A working-class family from Melbourne lives next to an airport. One day, they are told they must move as the government and airport want it for expansion. The family decides to fight for their home, their way of life, their memories—their castle. Rated R. Information: [email protected], 417.625.3597.

Feb. 25: “Shadowlands,” 7 p.m., Missouri Southern State University Cornell Auditorium, 3950 E. Newman Rd. In the 1950s, reserved, middle-aged bachelor C.S. Lewis is an Oxford University academic and author of “The Chronicles of Narnia” series of children’s books. He meets married American poet Joy Davidman Gresham and her young son Douglas on their visit to England. The movie traces the circumstances that challenge and change them and give them each a new world view. Rated PG. Information: [email protected], 417.625.3597.

Feb. 27: Open Mic Night, 7-9:30 p.m., Joplin Avenue Coffee Company, 506 S. Joplin Ave. Performers are each allotted five to eight minutes per set. Two vocal mics, a quarter-inch plug-in for guitar/piano and an aux cable will be available. To sign up early, message them at All ages welcome. Information: [email protected],417.483.5558.

Exhibits:Dec. 1-Feb. 28: “Woodland Walk” by Debbie Reed, Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce, 320 E. Fourth St. A collection of paintings from watercolorist Debbie Reed. Information: [email protected],417.438.5931.Jan. 11-March 1: “The Predictably Unpredictable Tales from the Land of Ardithian” by Ardith Goodwin Walls, Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex, Spiva Center for the Arts, 212 W. Seventh St. Ardith merges her love for mixed media, storytelling and complex systems into abstract atmospheres and settings depicted in her art. The exhibition, “The Land of Ardithian,” offers an immersive experience that blends literary and visual arts. Explore a fusion of abstract energy and fantasy through large-scale contemporary paintings that echo the world-building concepts from the book. Information: [email protected],417.623.0183.

Jan. 11-Feb. 27: “Emerging Expressions: High School Showcase,” Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex, Spiva Center for the Arts, 212 W. Seventh St. Presented by The Kiwanis Club of Joplin and Spiva Center for the Arts, this is an art exhibit featuring the talents of students from seven area high schools. Information: [email protected],417.623.0183.

Jan. 1-March 1: Third Grade Collaborative Project,Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex, Spiva Center for the Arts, 212 W. Seventh St. Yearly, Spiva’s classrooms and galleries welcome over 1,800 area third graders for a day of art education revolving around Spiva’s main exhibit. Students from seven school districts and over 30 schools are learning about the Main Gallery exhibit, “The Predictably Unpredictable Tales from the Land of Ardithian” by Ardith Goodwin and creating a collaborative exhibit in response to what they learn. Information: [email protected],417.623.0183.

Feb. 7-March 15: “Over the Top” by Joplin Regional Artists Coalition (JRAC),artCentral Carthage, 1110 E. 13th St. JRAC members have prepared exceptional, original artwork revolving around the theme “over the top” as a nod to New Orleans and Mardi Gras. Information: [email protected],417.358.4404.Classes:Feb. 8: Watercolor Caricatures with Rachel Cabral (ages 12+), 10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex, Spiva Center for the Arts, 212 W. Seventh St. Students will use watercolor and ink to create their own caricatures inspired by Tim Burton’s style. Designed for beginners and experienced artists. Registration required; register by visiting Cost: $30. Information:, 417.621.9813

.Feb. 14: Pizza My Heart: A Kids Valentine’s Day Class (ages 6-12), 6-8:30 p.m., Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex, Spiva Center for the Arts, 212 W. Seventh St. Students will craft their own pizza and heart-shaped collages. Perfect opportunity for parents to enroll their kids in a festive workshop while they enjoy Spiva’s couples’ class downstairs in the gallery or drop the kids off and head out for a romantic dinner. All materials provided. Registration required; register by visiting Cost: $35. Information: [email protected],417.621.9813.

Feb. 14: Entwined: A Couples Valentine’s Class with Amber and Fred Mintert (ages 21+),6:30-8:30 p.m., Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex, Spiva Center for the Arts, 212 W. Seventh St. Couples will collaborate through a playful painting swap challenge. Starting with individual paintings from the imagination or optional prompts, partners will swap canvases every 10 minutes, adding their own creative touches to each other’s work. The real magic happens when these two creations are cut and woven together, symbolizing the intertwining of your lives. Final piece will be displayed in a 14” × 14” frame. Romantic atmosphere with drinks, appetizers and desserts. Perfect for all skill levels. Registration required; register by visiting Cost: $95 per couple. Information:, 417.621.9813.

Feb. 15: String Pulling with Debbie Southard (ages 10+),3-5 p.m., Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex, Spiva Center for the Arts, 212 W. Seventh St. Create stunning floral designs with the dynamic string-pulling technique. Explore how to use strings, chains and beads to manipulate paint and craft intricate, one-of-a-kind patterns. All materials provided. Registration required; register by visiting Cost: $50. Information: [email protected],417.621.9813.

Feb. 22: PhotoSpiva Teens with Andy Neher (ages 11-18),10 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex, Spiva Center for the Arts, 212 W. Seventh St. Students will go over fundamentals of photography: shooting in manual mode, understanding light and composition, learning the basics of Photoshop editing and taking a photo walk downtown. Students will have a week to take photos and return finished images to Spiva to be juried and displayed in the Reserve Gallery. Images will be for sale and artists retain 70% commission from work sold. Artist reception and awards ceremony

March 15. Spiva will have point-and-shoot cameras and a few DSLR cameras available for loan but each student is encouraged to find a DSLR camera to use for class. Registration required; register by visiting Cost: $100. Information: [email protected],417.621.9813.Recurring Classes: artCentral Carthage, 1110 E. 13th St., Carthage:Tuesdays: CAST Afterschool Art Program (ages 5-14), 3-5:30 p.m., YMCA Youth Activity Center, 400 S. Maple St., Carthage. Young artists can hone their cognitive abilities, critical thinking and verbal skills as they explore various art forms and a broad range of applications. Registration required; register at Cost: $10 per student, per week. Information: [email protected],417.358.4404.

Create N Sip Studios, 1505 W. 10th St., Joplin: Wednesdays: Wine’d Down Wednesday, 5-9 p.m. A Canvas and Home Decor DIY Event. Choose the project that works for you. Cost: $28-$58. Information: [email protected],417.680.5434.Saturdays: Saturday Morning Choose Your Canvas, 10 a.m. Select the painting you want to recreate. Prices vary depending on chosen project. Cost: $28-$176. Information: [email protected],417.680.5434.Firehouse Pottery-Joplin,112 S. Main St., Joplin:Tuesdays: Ladies’ Night Out (ages 18+), until 8 p.m. Enjoy a creative evening. Information: [email protected],417.553.0671.Fridays: Date Night,until 8 p.m. Friday nights are date night 2-for-1 studio fees for all couples. Information:, 417.553.0671.

Judy’s Ballroom Dance, 3950 E. Newman Rd., Joplin: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays: Judy’s Ballroom Dance Private Lessons. With private lessons, Judy can help transform you into a skilled, elegant dancer! Call Judy at 417.392.0215 to book your private lesson. Cost: $50 per hour. Information: [email protected],417.392.0215.

Spiva Center for the Arts,212 W. Seventh St., Joplin:Tuesdays: Creation Station (ages 6–11), 4-5:15 p.m. Explore the galleries, enjoy fun activities and experiment with a variety of media, including painting, drawing, clay, sculpture and more. Pre-registration is recommended. Space is limited. Register at Cost: In advance, $6, and at the door, $8. Information:, 417.621.9813.

Tanglefooter’s Round Dance Club, 1802 W. Second St., Joplin:Mondays: Tanglefooter’s Round Dance Club, 7-8 p.m. Learn choreographed ballroom dancing with experienced teachers. Cost: Individual $7.50, couple $15. Information: [email protected],417.529.0686.February 2


 Health Events

Alcoholics Anonymous – 24-hour helpline: 417.823.7125.

Narcotics Anonymous – 24-hour helpline: 800.913.2720.

Freeman Health System

Joplin, MO

All events are free and open to the public, unless

noted; support group meetings are cancelled on

days Joplin R-VIII Schools close due to inclement


Alcoholics Anonymous– 24-hour helpline: 417.823.7125.

Narcotics Anonymous– 24-hour helpline: 800.913.2720.

Freeman Health System Joplin, MO

All events are free and open to the public, unless noted; support group meetings are cancelled on days Joplin R-VIII Schools close due to inclement weather.

Feb. 4: Espresso Yourself Breast Cancer Support Group,5-6 p.m., Joplin Avenue Coffee Company, 506 S. Joplin Ave. Come and enjoy a coffee courtesy of Freeman Cornell-Beshore Cancer Institute. Our monthly breast cancer support group enables members to share, gain helpful information and useful tips, as well as form new friendships. Enjoy listening to a special guest from time to time. RSVP to Marcella Sowell at 417.347.2662.

Feb. 4: Family and Friends CPR Course,6:30-8:30 p.m., Freeman Screen Team Resource Center, 1130 E. 32nd St., Ste. C. Learn to save lives by learning CPR. The Family and Friends CPR course is open to the public. This is not a certification course, but a participation card will be given. Class will cover adult, child and infant CPR, choking and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) techniques. $25 per person. To register, or for questions, please call 417.347.4448.

Feb. 5: Freeman Cancer Support Group, 2-3 p.m., Freeman Cornell-Beshore Cancer Institute, 3415 McIntosh Circle. Call Kelley Wheeler at 417.347.4000 for more information. Feb. 6: Freeman Early Detection Screenings,Freeman Screen Team Resource Center, 1130 E. 32nd St., Ste. C. Early Detection Screenings include abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease and stroke/carotid artery screenings, as well as thyroid ultrasound and osteoporosis risk assessment. Fees vary. Please call 417.347.6555 to make an appointment. Feb. 18: Freeman Bariatric Weight-loss Support Group, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Freeman Business Center Conference Rooms, 3220 McClelland Blvd (back entrance). Designed to help those who have had bariatric surgery. For more information, call Janice Drake at 417.347.1266.

Feb. 18: Ozark Center Daytime Autism Support Group, 12:30-1:30 p.m., Bill & Virginia Leffen Center for Autism, 2808 S. Picher Ave. Open to people with autism, parents and caregivers. Call 417.347.7850 for more information 

National Adult Literacy Action – For information on NALA, call 417.782.2646, email [email protected]or visit Located at 123 S. Main St. in Joplin. Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., and Thursday and Friday: 8:30 a.m.-noon.

Nevada, MO

Feb. 21: Free Cholesterol Screening in Honor of American Heart Month,6:30-9:30 a.m. Located in the NRMC Mezzanine Conference Room. A 12-hour fast is recommended for accurate results, including Total Cholesterol, LDL, HDL and Triglycerides. Register today by calling NRMC Community Relations at 417.448.3801.

Feb. 22: Birth and Beyond Class, 9 a.m.-noon. Meets at the NRMC Mezzanine Conference Room. This class covers childbirth, breastfeeding and infant care for women in their last trimester. Includes a tour of the NRMC Maternity Care Center (if available). $15 registration fee. Fee may be waived if cost is prohibitive. Register by calling 417.448.3801.

Feb. 25: Rich Hill Family Medical Clinic Screenings,11 a.m.-noon., Kern Senior Center. Free health screenings are offered every fourth Tuesday of the month to residents of Rich Hill.

Integris Baptist Regional Health Center, Grove, OKINTEGRIS Baptist Regional Health Center, Miami, OK – For more information, visit Tuesday:Free blood pressure and glucose screenings provided by INTEGRIS Regency Home Care and Hospice.

First Tuesday: Commerce Nutrition Center, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Second Tuesday: Nine Tribes Tower, 10-11 a.m. Third Tuesday:

Miami Senior Center, 10-11 a.m. Fourth Tuesday:

INTEGRIS Baptist Village, 9-10 a.m.Feb. 4: Alzheimer’s Support Group meets first Tuesday monthly, 11 a.m., Generations fourth floor visiting room. Call 918-542-3391.

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